
Footed plate in primavera glass with trim in black pasta vitrea. The primavera glass series, a milky- looking seeminglycraquelé glass, had a very limited production. Its composition was the result of an accidental mixture of chemicals  that was impossible to replicate.

2 3/4 in. high (7 cm)
Ø; 12 7/8 in. (32.7 cm)

1930, Venice, 17th Biennale Internazionale d’Arte;
2001, Milan, Murano: Vetri dalla Collezione Olnick Spanu, Spazio Oberdan.

Bibliography and comparative texts:
A. Dorigato, 1989, p. 20, n. 21;
Olnick Spanu, 2001, n. 11.