
A thin light blue transparent glass vase with applied handles. After the closing of the Vetri Soffiati Muranesi Cappellin Venini & C., this style was added to the catalogue of the M.V.M. Cappellin & C., as model number 5293.

16 1/4 in. high (41.2 cm)

2000, New York, Venetian Glass, Museum of Arts & Design;
2001, Milan, Murano: Vetri dalla Collezione Olnick Spanu,
Spazio Oberdan.

Bibliography and comparative texts:
A. Venini Diaz de Santillana, 2000,
n. 10;
Olnick Spanu, 2000, n. 10;
Olnick Spanu, 2001, n. 15.