
Vase in thin blue transparent glass. It is distinguished by its two large handles, which cause it to resemble a dragonfly, hence, its name. After the 1925 closing of V.S.M. Venini & C., the model was included in both the M.V.M. Cappellin & C., (n. 5481) and the V.S.M. Venini & C., (n. 1432) catalogues.

Acid stamped: M.V.M. Cappellin Murano.
7 in. high (17.8 cm)

1923, Monza, 1st Esposizione Internazionale delle Arti Decorative;
1924, Venice, 14th Biennale Internazionale d’Arte (?);
2000, New York, Venetian Glass, Museum of Arts & Design;
2001, Milan, Murano: Vetri dalla Collezione Olnick Spanu,
Spazio Oberdan.

Bibliography and comparative texts:
C. CarrĂ , 1923, p. 67;
R. Linzeler, 1923, p. 84;
R. Papini, 1923;
R. Barovier Mentasti, 1982, n. 253;
Mille anni…, 1982, n. 501;
W. Neuwirth, 1987, n. 110;
F. Deboni, 1989, p. 35;
L’arte del vetro…, 1992, n. 306;
M. Heiremans, 1993, n. 192;
M. Barovier, R. Barovier Mentasti,
A. Dorigato, 1995, n. 15;
M. Barovier, 1999, p. 104;
Olnick Spanu, 2000, n. 11;
Olnick Spanu, 2001, n. 16;
M. Barovier, 2002, n. 123.