A murrine

Tall glass chalice made of turquoise and blue, and red and yellow canes decorated at the center with a wide stripe of murrine creating a floral pattern. Tall foot in red trasparente glass. This object is part of a limited series of one-of-a-kind pieces crafted by Artisti Barovier for Salviati.

17 in. high (43.2 cm)
2001, Milan, Murano: Vetri dalla Collezione Olnick Spanu,
Spazio Oberdan.

Bibliography and comparative texts:
Antonio Salviati…, 1982, n. 77;
Vetro di Murano…, 1982, n. 99; Mostra del vetro…, 1984, n. 107;
C. Cerutti, 1985, p. 61;
I. De Guttry, M.P. Maino,
M. Quesada, 1985, n. 7;
Gli anni di…, 1987, nn. 19, 36;
M. Barovier, 1993, nn. 35-42;
M. Heiremans, 1993, nn. 30, 31;
M. Barovier, 1994, n. 2;
F. Deboni, 1996, n. 21;
Olnick Spanu, 2001, n. 1.