
Table lamp in the shape of a mushroom crafted with lattimo and yellow glass canes. The architect, Massimo Vignelli, received an honorable mention at the Compasso d’Oro in 1956 for this design.

13 3/4 in. high (35 cm)
2000, New York, Venetian Glass, Museum of Arts & Design;
2001, Milan, Murano: Vetri dalla Collezione Olnick Spanu, Spazio Oberdan.

Bibliography and comparative texts:
Stile Industria, 1956, December, n. 9;
Design Vignelli, 1990, p. 262;
Designed for Delight, 1997, n. 133;
R. Barovier Mentasti, 1998, n. 156;
M. Romanelli, 2000, p. 209;
A. Venini Diaz de Santillana, 2000, n. 228; Olnick Spanu, 2000, n. 102;
Olnick Spanu, 2001, n. 139.