
A group of Pulcini made of transparent glass decorated with murrine and multicolored rods.

Feet crafted in copper.
7 1/8 in. to 11 7/8 in. high
(18.1 to 30.2 cm)

2000, New York, Venetian Glass, Museum of Arts & Design;
2001, Milan, Murano: Vetri dalla Collezione Olnick Spanu, Spazio Oberdan.

Bibliography and comparative texts:
Domus, 1962, April;
B. Nerozzi, 1987, nn. 130-133;
M. Heiremans, 1989, nn. 230, 231;
M. Karasik, 1989, n. 36;
R. Barovier Mentasti, 1992, n. 119;
M. Heiremans, 1993, n. 249;
F. Deboni, 1996, n. 243;
M. Heiremans, 1996, nn. 209, 211, 212;
M. Barovier, 1996, n. 103;
M. Barovier, 1999, p. 275;
Olnick Spanu, 2000, n. 143;
Olnick Spanu, 2001, n. 181;
A. Dorigato, 2002, p. 333.