Tessere policrome

Bowl composed of cristallo tessere. The top portion is a band of rectangular tessere outlined in aubergine; the lower portion is composed of circular murrine in red, lattimo, and blue connected by
an aubergine line.

Engraved: Ercole Barovier 2/11/62.
3 5/8 in. high (9.3 cm)
Ø; 7 1/2 in. (19 cm)

1993, Venice, L’Arte dei Barovier Vetrai di Murano 1866-1972,
Querini Stampalia;
2000, New York, Venetian Glass, Museum of Arts & Design;
2001, Milan, Murano: Vetri dalla Collezione Olnick Spanu, Spazio Oberdan.

Bibliography and comparative texts:
M. Barovier, 1993, n. 164;
H. Ricke, E. Schmitt, 1996, n. 268;
Olnick Spanu, 2000, n. 130;
Olnick Spanu, 2001, n. 165.