Students studying under Spanish architect Alberto Campo Baeza—revered creator of the Olnick Spanu House—toured the house as well as the Magazzino premises in a private tour given by Miguel Quismondo, the project’s own architect, on April 3, 2017.

The 95 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) guests were treated to the various Art Program works throughout the Garrison property followed by a luncheon and a detailed tour of the yet-to-be-finished warehouse art space opening in Cold Spring, NY, on June 28, 2017, by appointment only. The tour is part of a 10-day visit in New York City and Boston for the collegiate visitors who are touring the cities in regard to their architectural layouts. They are under the guidance of UPM professors Alejandro Vírseda, Jesús Donaire and José Jaraiz, among others.