Venini S.p.A. 2001–

Since 2001 Venini S.p.A. is part of Italian Luxury Industries Group and is led by Giancarlo Chimento, Giuliano Tabacchi and Giorgio Rizzo.

Photograph by Luca Vignelli
Giorgio Vigna, Venini S.p.A., 2000
Giorgio Vigna
Fuochi d'acqua, 2000

Giorgio Vigna   Fuochi d'acquaVenini S.p.A., 2000

Vase and flowers composed of thick cristallo glass. Stems are made of hollow copper pipes. The red center of the flowers is obtained by the oxidation of the metal when the hot glass is applied.

Engraved: Giorgio Vigna 2002.
28 in. high (71.1 cm)

Bibliography and comparative texts:
R. Linzeler, 1922, p. 666;
C. Carrà, 1923, p. 67;
R. Linzeler, 1923, p. 83;
R. Papini, 1930, n. 570;
G. Mariacher, 1967, p. 98;
R. Barovier Mentasti, 1982, n. 252;
Mille anni…, 1982, n. 503;
F. Deboni, 1984, p. n. 70;
W. Neuwirth, 1987, nn. 7, 104;
A. Dorigato, 1986,
p. 71;
F. Deboni, 1989, n. 1;
L’arte del vetro, 1982, n. 307;
M. Heiremans, 1993, n. 191;
M. Barovier, R. Barovier Mentasti,
A. Dorigato, 1995, n. 15;
A. Venini Diaz de Santillana, 1996, n. 1;
R. Barovier Mentasti, 1998, n. 25;
A. Venini Diaz de Santillana, 2000, n. 1;
Olnick Spanu, 2000, n. 8;
Olnick Spanu, 2001, n. 13.